Zero Liquid Discharge
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Supplier in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE
We are one of few companies in UAE specialized in wide range of industrial wastewater treatment system.
Industrial and hazardous waste recycling and reclamation helps in protecting environmental hazards, protects scarce natural resources and provide economic benefits.
Industrial waste treatment or ETP is a specialized field where careful study of waste water quality, its behavior in different timing, pilot test and careful design is required to achieve desired result. AKWT has plenty of experience in treating industrial waste & converting it to non-hazardous/disposal standard.
The treated water can be either disposed in sewer network or recycled back to be used for other applications like cleaning or landscaping. We have successfully installed numerous industrial waste treatment plants from varying field of high pollution waste water load.
All the effluent treatment plants are strictly in compliance with the design specifications laid down by the regulatory authority. Effluent treatment plants manufactured by us are tailor made systems designed for individual projects.
The effluent treatment plant involves different stages of treatment which includes physio- chemical treatment, biological treatment followed by tertiary treatment. Our engineering team has ample of experience in design and execution of effluent treatment plants based on the specific application requirement of the customers. Our units comprise of a compact design that can be easily installed at site.
We have successfully installed and operated various ETP’s under our brand called ‘Noah Aqua’ in field of: