Leachate Wastwater Treatment
Leachate Wastewater Treatment Supplier In Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE
Leachate Wastewater is highly toxic and has catastrophic impact on environment and humans, if left untreated. This highly contaminated wastewater has not been paid much attention, although it should be our topmost priority.
What is a Leachate? : City household waste is dumped at landfill areas. During this landfill site operation, a liquid known as Leachate is produced. It is a mixture of organic degradation products, liquid waste and rain water. It has high organic carbon content, high concentration of nitrogen and is usually acidic. It also contains both dissolved and suspended materials. It is highly toxic wastewater.

AKWT’s experience with Leachate Treatment!
AKWT NoahAqua is the only company in middle east which successfully design, installed and commissioned Leachate wastewater treatment plant. This plant (500 m3/day capacity) has been installed in Jeddah-Saudi Arabia. Although there were big waste water companies in UAE/Saudi Arabia, but Jeddah Municipality (Client) approved design from Al Khabeer and chose us to execute this prestigious project. This is the only Leachate plant available in Saudi Arabia.
In case you are looking for a detailed technical presentation to understand more about leachate wastewater treatment considering our experience with Jeddah municipality, feel free to contact us.
Why it is vital to treat Leachate waste?